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How do we calculate views?
Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over 9 months ago

A funnel view is calculated as

a unique view

of a unique funnel.

The monthly quota is based on the sum of all funnel views.

Here are a couple of examples:

Example #1:

Funnel #1 - a cart page funnel with a t-shirt product trigger.

A customer visits your store.

The customer adds a t-shirt to his cart and clicks "continue to checkout".

Funnel #1 pops up.

A view is counted, views = 1.

The customer clicks "back", goes back to the store and adds another t-shirt.

The customer clicks "continue to checkout".

Funnel #1 pops up.

A view is not counted, views = 1, as the customer already saw Funnel #1.

Your expected funnel monthly funnel views in this case == the amount of customers that add a t-shirt to their cart and click "checkout".

Example #2:

Funnel #2 - a thank you page funnel with a show to all trigger.

That means, that anyone who buys anything in your store will see this funnel.

The customer adds any product to his cart and clicks "continue to checkout", then pays for the order and get to the thank you page.

Funnel #2 pops up.

A view is counted, views = 1.

Your expected funnel monthly funnel views in this case == the amount of monthly orders.

Views renewal and plan changes

We never auto upgrade or auto downgrade your account.

All plan changes needs to be done manually by the store admin.

If the monthly view limit is reached, the app will turn itself off and will auto resume in the monthly renewal date.

this is true for all plans, including the free plan.

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