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How to open Honeycomb on any webpage
Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over 9 months ago

1. Open "Funnels" tab.

2. Hover above the funnel you want to trigger.

3. Copy the ID.

Option 1:

Triggering the funnel on any page in your Shopify store

Option A - by using URL

Use the following URL to open the funnel on your store:


* YOUR_STORE_NAME - find it in your shopify URL.

* Add /?cb_campaign to the end of the URL.

* Use the ID number you copied in step 3.

The link might look something like this:

Option B - by using Javascript

In your theme.liquid file, inside the <head> section add the following parameter:

window.customHoneycombCampaignId = [ID] //replace this with your campaign ID

Want to show a funnel on specific pages? use this code instead:

<script>var enabledPages = ["PAGE_URL",];if(enabledPages.some(page=>{return window.location.pathname.includes(page)})){window.customHoneycombCampaignId = "FUNNEL_ID";}</script>

Where page PAGE_URL might look like this: /privacy-policy

Option 2:

Triggering the funnel on any webpage (outside of Shopify)


Add the following script in the head tag of the webpage:

<script type="text/javascript" async="" src=""></script><script>window.customHoneycombCampaignId = 'YOUR_CAMPAIGN_ID'</script>

* YOUR_STORE_NAME - find it in your shopify URL.

* Use the YOUR_CAMPAIGN_ID number you copied in step 3.

The above code will make the funnel display as the page loads.

You can also trigger a funnel at any other time in your page using the following script:

<script type="text/javascript" async="" src=""></script><script>window.honeycombDisplayed = false;$(document).on('scroll', function() {var y_scroll_pos = window.pageYOffset;var scroll_pos_test = 650; // set to whatever you want it to beif((y_scroll_pos > scroll_pos_test) && !window.honeycombDisplayed) {,{isBlog: true});window.honeycombDisplayed = true;}});window.cbUpsellCustomDesignSettingsOverride = {minimized_view: { start_minimized: true },};window.cbUpsellHideWidgetOnClose = true;</script>

The code above will make a blog funnel show after the visitor scrolled down more than 650 pixels. You can use this blueprint to create delightful shopping experiences in your store

That's it!

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